Nem vagyok egy aktív blogger. Ennek oka, hogy a blogomat leginkább saját szórakoztatásomra írom, akkor amikor van hozzá kedvem, és arról, amiről éppen szeretnék. Ha történik valamilyen jelentős esemény az online bizniszben, és nincs hangulatom írni róla, akkor nem írok és kész. =:) Kicsit irigylem azokat az embereket, akik nálam sokkal elfoglaltabbak, mégis több időt képesek szentelni a blogjuknak. A különbség abban áll, hogy nekik konkrét céljaik vannak, s ezek elérésén dolgoznak. Ott van például az Indextools-os Dennis Mortensen, aki kb. hetente utazik a világ legkülönfélébb pontjaira, mégis kihasználja a holt időszakokat, reptéri várakozást, gyerekek elalvását, meg még a fene tudja mit. (Szvsz soha sem alszik…) A postjai pedig rendre megjelennek a blogján. Dennis-t azzal kapcsolatban zaklattam, hogy miért indított blogot, mik a céljai vele és melyek azok az eszközök, amiket hasznosnak talál. (Btw egy csomó egyéb dologról is faggattam, s remélem, némi promó után végre azokra is válaszol. =;)
“First I would like to be honest and somehow modest – I am no blog expert – I am an expert in my field of Web Analytics & Affiliate Marketing. But I also find this to be the strength of excellent blogs – people writing with passion about a subject they care about. Let me split your question into three:
1. Why did you decide to start a blog?
Firstly, I wanted to get my hands dirty and dig into the blogosphere myself – instead of “just” talking about it. Being able to really understand what drives a blog, how to increase subscriptions, what content works and what not, how to track it in particular, what specific metrics matters and how to optimize based on those metrics. So to conclude; EDUCATION :-). Secondly, I think , in all modesty, that I have some valuable input for the Web Analytics and Affiliate Marketing Industry.
2. What are your blog goals?
I think it is important for any venture, business and private, to have measurable goals. Without goals, how do you know whether you have been successful in your endeavours? And this is essentially the mantra of the Analytics industry as well – So partly repeating my first blog entry:
Qualitative goals are: To Participate more actively in the “blogosphere”
Quantitative goals are: 100 posts, 300 comments, 500 subscribers
And it seems like I will meet and exceed those goals – as it stands now.
3. What tools do you find important/useful/cool?
If you want to run a blog, just one step beyond the private journal, you need at a minimum three tools (or features); the ability to manage your Feeds, Content and finally Analytics. I personally went for the following tools as they are all hosted solutions and I could be up and running in 20 min:
- Feed and Subscription: Feedburner
- Blogging Platform: Blogger
- Analytics tool: IndexTools
I am not yet at a level where it would make sense to deploy other tools (I deployed a Google Ajax Web 2.0 search functionality though) – I tend to focus on the content as of now. I am most sure you will see some cool widgets, when I get further down the road. :-)
These were my 2 cents on my, now 3+ months old blogging career.
A view of the Quantitative results:
…And thank you again – for having me here on your blog Ingrid.”
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